Tue 07 Jan
60$$! SM*cK My Juicy Booty!!! BuiLT To PLeaSE! ALwAYS 100% REAL!! 2 GIRLS!!!! H0T SPECIALS!!!60$$ - 23
(Scranton, Wilkes B / Scranton)
VERY BUSY AGENCY - Hiring Companions and Escorts - Earn 8,000k to 10,000k/Week
(Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Scranton)
Specials with The 1 n ONLY... Very Amazing ... *AVA* - 27
(Scranton, Tunkhanock,ClarksSummt,NewMilford Gibson)
Sexy Little Treat Looking To Have Fun - 22
(Chambersburg, Lancaster, Poconos, Scranton, Williamsport)
Sweet Southern Belle for a limited time only ( Leaving in the morning Boys!!!! ) - 27
(Scranton, Norrisstown)
One Complete Hour No Extras! No Kidding! - 24
(Philadelphia, N Liberties CC NE Airport Rox Manayunk)
*☆* Q_U_ _L_! _F_i_€ _D * (( †O L€ÂV€ U )) * §_ _†_i_§ _F_!_€ _D *☆* *§Ø SEXXY SO §€duct¡V€ · -** - 24
(Allentown, Abe incall OutCall)
HoT & WilD = Tot@L P@CkAG£ CuT€ F@C£ K!LL£R CuRv€$ & $P@NN@Bl£ @$$ 2 $L!P & SL!D£ N 2 *$Pec!@L$120* - 20
(Scranton, wilkes Barre (OPEN) 24/7 In/Out ;-))
HAPPY NeW YeaRs! ☆ °▄▄ ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛⓢ ♥ αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆ ➜ ★№➊ ♥ S£x¥ ★Eb0nY BaRbi3 D0LLS °☆°UNRUSHED 60$$ - 23
Elegant, Sexy, Elite Companion for Mature Sophisticated Gentlemen who prefer Quality. - 45
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lancaster and All of PA, Penn State, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
💋Good girl gone Bad💋 I'm the Sexy Blonde Girl next Door, waiting for you 💋 Text Now 😘 - 28
(Hazleton, WilkesBarre, Potsville, Scranton)
✨✨💎 Don't Miss Out On This Exotic CAliForNia Freak 🌟 🌟 My Reviewes Speak Volumes Lastday Here 💎💫 - 26
GO with the NAME you can TRUST ~~~others TOO RISKY!! Welcome so many new girls 4 your pleasure..... - 18
(Serving all of PA)
HOTTEST Most Attractive Girls AT SWEET CANDY!! Don't waist your $ on ugly !! BEST LOOKING ESORTS!!! - 18
(Serving all of PA)
$$$$$ Freaky Fetish Queen $$$$$$$ Trick or Treat $$$$$ - 33
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre/Pittston/Scranton Areas)
Elegant, Sexy, Elite Companion for Mature Sophisticated Gentlemen . 2 & 4 Hour Dates Preferred - 44
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lancaster and All of PA, Penn State, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ██ ▇ ▆💋 ℒ e t ' s _ ℳ a k e _ ℳ a g i c 💋 ▆ ▇ ██ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ $100 special - 20
(Scranton, wilkes barre)
!! Come See Sexy Erotic NEW PICTURES !! Sexy Petite Little Irish Treat !! Rose Special ** - 27
(Scranton, wilkesbarre Incall & Outcall Now!!)
( ( ( ( (The ULTIMATE EROTIC SESSION) ) ) ) YoUnG ** pEtITe ** LoVeR gIRl ** ((incalls only)) - 19
(incalls scranton)
—•X•——TÕUCH M€——•X•——T€AS€ M€ ——•X•——F€€L M€——•X•——PL€AS€ M€——•X•—— - 24
(Scranton, Wilkes barre 24hrs!!!)
👑➓☆SENSUAL Woman💎perfec 4 all your 💣👑 FANTASIES 📞💜💞✨ and MORE - 36
(Scranton, *** SCRANTON*** CLARKS SUMMIT ***)
💎 SeXii Stephanie💎 👀 LOOKS•••GOOD 👀•••🌟FeeLs•••EvEn••🌟 BeTTeR••💋 CaTcH• Me•💋 - 22
(Scranton, Scranton, Moosic, Dunmore PA)
💞*•*StUnNiNg •💖:* *BeAuTiFuL •* ⭐*60ss Special • *💖 EBONY⭐ViXeN!! 💖LoVeS 2 PLaY!!!💞 - 22
(Scranton, Hazelton Incalls Location)
****** SEXY RedHead..... In/Out Wilkes/Hzltn .. Upscale, Classy, Discrete ... - 36
(Scranton, In/Out..Wilkes/Hzltn)
Not Available!!!!! ★Young, Hot, and Ready For Fun★ BEAUTIFUL Chocolate Girl With SeXxii CURVES ★ - 20
Poconos Outcall Adult Massage Service featuring Poconos Valerie & Poconos Sandy - 40
(Wilkes Barre/Scranton, Poconos NEPA)
*NEW* Skill€D HighlY Gift€D $Up£R Fr€@K + Full Lips ,Big Tit$ ,Big Booty = Total Package Special-100 - 20
(Scranton, wilkes-barre 24/7 In/out kalls)
***SMoKiNg HOT OPeN MiNdeD BoMBSheLLREAdy 2 PLeaSe YOU iN EVeRy WaY!!***** - 22
(In/outcall Bethlehem__Allentown Airport)
MORE BG 4 your BUCK !!!! STOP waisting your MONEY on UGLY!!!!! All 100% Independant Beauties !!!! - 18
(Scranton, Wilkes-Barre & Surrounding areas)
»New« Total Package!! Looking 2 Get down & Drity U Will Leave A Happy Man!! :-) *Specials* - 22
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre/Scaranton 24/7 In/Out)
(( LAST CHANCE 2 PLAY )) :: (( SEXI ARIANNA )) :: (( LEAViNG S00N !! )) *!* (( GrEaT RaTe'S )) - 22
(Wilkes-barre ❤ Scranton)
🔥Fiesty🌟Petite Goddess ™ °Ebony Aphrodite 💋.¸Numbing Techniques🍆🍆 New Girl 💫Enchanting Freak 👅👅💦 - 21
(Philadelphia, Airport Incalls & Outcall)
Heavenly Angel .. Wed. Only ..Total Package .. Highly Addictive .. New Pics - 35
(Williamsport, Willmsprt)
Elegant, Sexy, Kind and Genuine for Mature Sophisticated Gentlemen . 2 & 4 Hour Dates Preferred - 44
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lancaster and All of PA, Penn State, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
everything.... you.... could....ever ....want. CLICK HERE you will love what ....you ..... see.... - 18
Everything you Desire! When I'm Good I'm Damn Good! When I'm Bad I'm even Better! - 26
(Scranton, Wilkes barre,Pittston & Surrounding Area)
🚙Come Over n Play.😘 .U Want it🎂..I Got It. .Super Stacked 🍭PlayMate. .Front2Back..✔ - 36
(84E-(several mins from Scranton), Scranton)
💦💧Best Mouth👅 • SEⓧⓨ • ♥Exotic♡•❣ρℓαγℳα†Ɛ♥ ♡•❣ ✌PErFeCt ➓🔥 * SPECiAL $100% ⓡⓔⓐⓛ & ⓤⓝⓡⓤⓢⓗⓔⓓ - 27
(Allentown, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Wilkes Barre Surrounding Area)
That Special Someone Who You Would Love To Enjoy - 21
(Scranton, Scranton , Wilkes & All Surrounding)
»N£w Fr£@k« BoRn 2 Pl£@$£ Fr£@k Come S£€ Why I'm ExtR£m€l¥ $£x¥ @mAz!Ng @$$ 36DD *80Special* - 20
(Scranton, Wilkes barre/scranton In/Out Calls)
{New}N£W P!C$! #1 B£$T Fr£@K Fr€@K!! I'm Tot@l PAcK@G£ % I W!ll It L!K£ I OwN U% {Special-$100} - 21
(Scranton, W.BARRE/Pittston/Scranton IN/OUT 24/7)
****** SEXY RedHead..... In/Out Wilkes/Hzltn .. Upscale, Classy, Discrete ... - 36
(Scranton, In/Out..Wilkes/Hzltn)
Nikki will Be In town Tues 5/17 Call to make Appointment Today Located 5 Min From Casino - 30
** Stop Im the Best at what I do Sexy Erotic and no rush call me Specials available up all night - 27
(Scranton, wilkesbarre Incall & Outcall Now!!)
Really Hot Girl -- A picture is worth a thousand words
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
MORE BG 4 your BUCK !!!! STOP waisting your MONEY on UGLY!!!!! All 100% Independant Beauties !!!! - 18
(Scranton, Wilkes-Barre & Surrounding areas)
60$ specials*** [[ 1oO% R€AL Exotic DREAM]] — ♥ — £B0Ny BeAuTy — ♥— SuP€r CuRv€y*** 2 GiRLZ!!!! - 23
(Scranton, Wilkes B / Scranton)
80$ Special 💥Hot🔥BBw with A PhaT✨ Juicy💦 KittY 🐱KAT CoMe💥 PunISh MY ThrOaT - 21
(Pittston av, Scranton)