Thu 09 Jan
😈😍BBW😘60$💋100$❤❤Super Sexy Kat ready to play💋👅100💔60😘😍BBW😈 - 21
(Scranton, Scranton wb hazelton Clarke summit Ashle)
º•○●Specials for New Years Eve/Day●○•º DONT MISS OUT!!! Call now☆ - 26
(Scranton, Pittston In call only)
💋Spice is everything nice outcall specials 150😻🙈🙉🙊Hawley,Honesdale, Milford etc - 26
(Hawley- out calls to u!🆗 no incall, Poconos, Scranton)
SiLkY SmOoTh BeAuTy ★*iRiSh& iTiLiAn 36DD*♡ * LeAviNg At NoOn*★ SaSsY BeAuty - 25
(Scranton, wilkes barre/scranton in-out calls)
❗️Up All Night‼️Delightful & Stunning✨Bangin' Body✨Don't Miss Out On A Memorable Treat🍭😻 - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre)
Wed 08 Jan
***** Jewels ***** 100 %real 100% Satisfaction guarented $$$$$ pick up the phone ***** - 25
(Scranton, scanton/wilks berre)
Hey fellas come get lucky !! 》》》------》♥ call now available all night! (in call out call) - 26
(Scranton, Pittston In call/limited out call)
Fun Young and Full of Energy!! looking for sum saturday night excitment call now! - 26
(Scranton, Pittston/ In calls limited out calls)
*-:¦:-* *¨¨**| Y O U R_ D R E A M_ C O M E _T R U E!**:*-:¦:-* *¨¨**NO GAG REFLEX - 20
Visiting!! __ Y_O_U _R _*~*__S _E_ X_Y__*~*__ S_E_C _R_E_T!! 484 522 8241 (100 Specials) - 25
(Scranton, Scranton incalls of rt 81)
*° AvAiL aBlE °* *° RiGhT °**° NoW° ***GiRL OF YouR DrEamS *** - 22
(Scranton in/out calls)
SiLkY SmOoTh BeAuTy ★*iRiSh& iTiLiAn 36DD*♡ * LeAviNg At NoOn*★ SaSsY BeAuty - 25
(Scranton, wilkes barre/scranton in-out calls)
Tue 07 Jan
Visiting!! __ Y_O_U _R _*~*__S _E_ X_Y__*~*__ S_E_C _R_E_T!! 484 522 8241 (100 Specials) - 25
(Scranton, Scranton incalls of rt 81)
24 Hour Escort Available in Wilkes-Barre and Scranton Areasonly incall outcall - 24
(Scranton, Wilkes-Barre / Scranton Areas,only.)
100(( ♥ ))IriSh/ItAliAn BeaUty ALL NaTuRaL *sMoOtH&ReAdY;(( ♥ ))DD"s - 25
(wilkes barre/scranton in-out calls)
(¯`'.¸ G o R G e o U S (¯`'.¸ ஐ InToXiCaTiNg ஐ ¸.'´¯) AVALIABLE NOW!! INCALL SPECIALS - 26
(wilkes barre/scranton in-out calls)
come lemme show you y I'm the best : ) I'll make you come again and again ; ) ..AVAILABLE NOW - 22
(Scranton, wilkes barre in calls/ out calls)
(¯`'.¸ G o R G e o U S (¯`'.¸ ஐ InToXiCaTiNg ஐ ¸.'´¯) AVALIABLE NOW!! INCALL SPECIALS - 26
(wilkes barre/scranton in-out calls)
♥hey fellas lets play!!♥ available all day so call now! - 26
(Scranton, Pittston In call/ limited out calls)
*-:¦:-* *¨¨**| Y O U R_ D R E A M_ C O M E _T R U E!**:*-:¦:-* *¨¨**NO GAG REFLEX - 20
bad 2 the bone crazy sexy baby love available ALL nite!! Call now 5703719141 - 24
(Scranton, My place or yours)
Sexy & Sophisticated Spanish White mix Never ending Pleasure 570*881*1861 - 28
(Scranton, Wilkes barre Scranton)
-:¦:- SeXy iN -:¦:- eVeRy WaY °*ஐ*° SwEeT iN -:¦:- EvErY WaY-:¦:- ScHooL TeaChER - 25
(Wilkes Barre/Scranton in-out calls)
•:*:• *STRIKING •:*:• *BUSTY •:*:• *SO SEXY •:*:• CHECK me OUT •:*:• *NO DISAPPOINTMENTS •:*:• *< - 24
Exotic sexy Latina playmate.... In and out calls - 23
(Scranton, In and out calls Wilkes barre area)
$peCiaL!! Short STaY!! GREEN eyeZ ITaLian!! L00K @ my piC!z!! pREttie$t on BP !SexY picz!!!√√√√√√√√ - 21
(Scranton, Scranton incall outcalls to local areas!)
:¦:-•* SÕ MÅNY• °o♥o°• ChÕIc€S but• °o♥o°• NÕN€ LiK€• °o♥o°• ME!!!*••* HOTT LIKE FIIIRREE!!! - 20
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre)
{N£W} #1 M@M! B£$t Curves \ @Pple Bottom \ P£Rk¥ 36DD $Special100$ Kome S£€ Th£ B£$T & NoT Th€ R£$T - 20
(Scranton, Wilkes barre/pittston in/Out Calls 24/7)
»N£w Fr£@k« BoRn 2 Pl£@$£ Fr£@k Come S£€ Why I'm ExtR£m€l¥ $£x¥ @mAz!Ng @$$ 36DD *80Special* - 20
(Scranton, Wilkes barre/scranton In/Out Calls)
*Its Playtime* Let me be your little Secret!* Specials incall - 23
(Scranton, wilkes Barre/Scaranton 24/7 In/Out)
❤* 160 SpEcialS NEW ••••► C•0•M•E ★ P •L•A•Y H O T T * * B R U N E T T E• •#1 ★ CHOICE ◄•••• *❤* - 19
(Scranton, *WILKES BARRE***24hrs!!!!!!)
2 days Only!! Starting @ 9 PM **Pre-Book** Slots fill fast - 21
(Scranton, Scranton In-Calls & Out-Calls 24/7)
Mon 06 Jan
LIPPS! __❤__ HIPPS! __❤__ FINGERTIPS! __❤__ - 19
(Scranton, Visiting Wilkes-Barre NOW!! Incall 24/7)
$$$$$ ***** JEWELS $$$$$ ***** Thick goddess $$$$$ ***** SPECIALS $$$$$ ***** 100% satisfaction $$$$ - 25
(Scranton, wilkes barre/ scranton in and out calls)
*$$ New In The Area! Sensation♡✔✔ *SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS - 21
(Scranton, Scranton ,Wilkes Barre Most Surrounding)