Ideal Dating.....At it's BEST - 25

Posted : Friday, January 03, 2025 05:32 PM | 5 views

Of COURSE, it's ME!*Scarlet* Im BACK in TOWN and AVAILABLE for the rest of the WEEK fellas... As if you DIDN'T KNOW THAT... LOL..... When you're ready to really ENJOY this HOBBY GENTLEMEN, GIVE ME A CALL. If you DO DECIDE TO CALL, KNOW that I WILL NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AS I EXPECT FOR YOU NOT TO WASTE MINE. I WILL HANG UP ON YOU. No EXPLICIT TALK IS ACCEPTABLE AT ANY TIME. NO EXCEPTIONS. If I HEAR IT, THE NEXT THING YOU WILL HEAR IS THE DIAL TONE. There REALLY SHOULDN'T BE QUESTIONS because you KNOW what you want right, so just set the date. There are DAILEY Specials provided to SERIOUS GENTLEMEN ONLY. Read the site, it IS informative. We are ALWAYS online, so send us an im. OR I PROVIDE FREE CAM CHATS so we can get a little aquainted if you are NEW. Be ADVISED that THIS IS TO HELP YOU DECIDE TO MEET. I am NOT a CAM MODEL, so therefor there WILL BE NO CYBERING... This is SO I SEE YOU AND YOU SEE ME. I am REAL and I want us to feel comfortable with meeting each other. This IS NOT REQUIRED, this is for your convenience and it can aid in SAFETY on both ends. You can chec out my REVIEWS on escorts(.)com - My handle is 1scarlet Then Call me at ! 570-499-2513.... I DO accept text and blocked calls BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO BE DISCRETE IN ALL MEASURES. You ALSO can EMAIL my cell RIGHT from your email, JUST incase I am NOT online. Talk to ya soon & IF NOT, Good Luck to you on your search for the Perfect Companion. & REMEMBER that we only date 3 times; so if you want to meet us, call to make an appointment NOW or set a date for tomorrow. I WILL NOT be ACCEPTING calls ANY LATER than 2:am Don't FORGET about WHAT STARTED IT ALL!!!! escorts in prattville al,skip the games massage,northeast eye pittston pa,corpus listcrawler,craigslist pa wilkes barre,grande moosic pa,scranton pa escort,clarksville tn escorts,listcrawler corpus christi,lafayette female escorts
  • Post ID : 2302103
  • Poster's age : 23
  • City : Scranton
  • Address : Scranton Incall ONLY