Mon 27 Jan
New around here &' available at your convenience 😘 - 27
(Scranton, Wilkes barre &' surrounding areas.)
MAIN ATTRACTION!! ⇨ √ ÅddI©+!V€ ⇨ √ ⇨ √ Super SeXy ⇨ R€ÂП TÕ ⇨ §ÂTi§F¥!! % - - 22
(Scranton, scranton/W.B. Incalls only)
Italian SEXxy CurVeS LoNG DarK HAir BEautiful FaCE and tHIck BeLoW THe WAiST - 25
(Scranton, Scranton / Wilkes Barre)
Sun 12 Jan
_ »(¯`v´¯)» ___ _ x_X_x _T _R __ M_ __ -:|: -__§ _K_ i_L _L_ §__» (¯`v´¯)»Coming Soon ____
View this Add before you see woman an get all the info on them.. - 19
(Scranton, scranton/wilkes barre/hazleton)
, Tall Blonde German Beauty With Killer Mouth Skills/Moosic Available till 8am - 27
(Scranton, Moosic)
VISITING FROM NYC New Pics 💯 Discreet, Luxurious,🍸Thick 👄Ebony Treat💦CALL ALEXUS NOW!!! - 25
(Incalls/Outcalls Wilkesbarre/, Scranton)
💞*•*StUnNiNg •💖:* *BeAuTiFuL •* ⭐ *💖 EBONY⭐ViXeN!! 💖LoVeS 2 PLaY!!!💞 - 21
(Hazelton Incalls Location, Scranton)
😨😨😨Booty So Big: Waist Small 😨😨😨 Your Favorite Girl!!💚💚💚💚💚 - 24
(Pittston Kingston WB & Surrounding Areas, Scranton)
🎀 SuPeR CuTe BLONDE 🎀 WaItIng FoR YoU 🙊🙊 Our Little Secret 🙊🙊 Incall && Outcall - 21
(Scranton, WilkesBarre*Incall&Outcall;*)
STOP ! 2GiRLS ❤❤❤❤special !!!!! Busty Beautiful Blonde ❤❤ Bombshell Larissa - 20
(Scranton, Wilkesbarre/SCRANTON)
TOp Notch Beauty JUst a call Away ♡ Upscαℓε beauty ♥▬ Naughty ♡ #1 Pℓαγmαtε - 19
(Scranton, scranton/dunmore/dickson city incalls)
Sat 11 Jan
!!!! L0OK LO0K !!!! ITALIAN B0mbsheLL !!!! BRIghT GREEN eyez!!! loOk AT MY PIXZ!!! FLAWLessS faCe! - 22
(Scranton, scranton incall only!!!!)
💖【300 InCalls 24/7】💝↹ 💝💯%%Rεaℓ↱📷!】💝↹↹💝 【KiLLer✅ CuRvEs】 💝↹↹💝【ThE BeSt】Specials💝 - 26
(Clark's Summit, Scranton)
$45qv Chocolate Seductive Midnight Special,Fun All Night Long Curvey and Nice - 20
(Scranton, wilkes barre Calls Only)
Fri 10 Jan
💋💋💋HaNDL£ WiTH {{CAuTiON!!!}}} SUP£R FR£aKY!!💋💋JUiCY N WILD EBonY ViX£NZ!!!!! 2 girl Specialz!!!! - 22
Fathers Day Special Call Now!! 150 Rose Special Dont be Foolish Relax & Enjoy - 23
(Scranton, my place or yours)
💋💋💋💦 👅Im what you have been waiting for 💋💋💦 👅 - 24
(Allentown, Altoona, Center City, Chambersburg, Erie, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, North, Northeast, Olney / Oak Lane, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Rea)
🍬A ScRuMpTiOuS TrEaT!🍭As SwEeT As PiE!🍰I'm EvErYoNe'S FaVoRiTe(AdDiCtIvE)💊CoMe FiNd OuT WhY!💋 - 23
(Chambersburg, Incall Hagerstown Outcalls to Pa)
@@@ 2 MATURE Attractive Ladies to pamper you - 46
(Philadelphia, Philadelphia Delaware and New Jersey)
✸💦💧🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹🇪🇷ⓣⓗⓐⓝ EvER 🍭 Ur ⓕⓐⓥⓞⓡⓘⓣⓔ ThiCk iTALiAN BARBiE °• ¥ÕU wÕn† F¡nD BETTER🍭 - 23
(Scranton, • scranton •)
♥️♥️♥️♥️ EyEs that will make you fall in love! ♥️♥️♥️ Body that will have u memorize,lips that yu want 💋💋💋💋 - 22
(Scranton, Wilkes barre incalls/out)
Classy Clean & Always Discreet!! Scranton -Wilkesbarre -Poconos & more !!!!! - 28
~❤~ SEXY & SWEET._______ SO........ WHEN ARE WE GONNA MEET? ~❤~ - 23
(My private residence or OUT to tri stat)
brown hair beauty ull ever forgret!!! freaky fun ....SPECIALS ALL DAY ..ya cant go wrong - 23
(Scranton, scraton pa)
** Ur #1 ChOiCe;; U WoNt ReGrEt ** «« InCaLl & OuTcAlL »» Pretty EYES• Body That Will HYPNOTIZE √ Av - 21
(Scranton, ★♡☆♥ WiLkEs BaRRe ♥☆♡★ && SuRrOuNdInG Ar)
Thu 09 Jan
*****Top Notch Service -(From Domincan Republic)- (Me Or Its Free) ***** - 20
(Scranton, Scranton / Wilkes Barre / Pittston)
💋💦💋💦💋 Last • Day • Here! • Beautiful • Sexy • Exotic • Brunette 💋💦💋💦💋 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Greentree/ Crafton In/ Out)
$15,000-$30,000 a Month! Looking For a Partner Read This Can Change Your Life(Stripping & Escorting) - 25
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Northern California, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
🌹🌹 ELITE SPA 🌹🌹 All ASiAN BoDYRub/MASSAGE 🌹🌹 570-824-9017 🌹🌹318 WiLKES-BaRRE ToWNSHiP BLVD - 25
80special *100$ hh call me baby Dollie staCy in call only NOW! 570 505 5469 - 19
(Scranton, Wilkes barre/Bear Creek)
FL!RT@TiOuS EXoT!C👯💣💣Slinky,Spiicy 💦💋Seductive😜👑QUEEN OF DA R!NG, 👯 - 21
(Hazelton incalls & outcalls, Scranton)
Elite Model!*** VIP Companion ***100% Real Photos. For Select Gentlemen who want the absolute Best! - 24
(Allentown, Harrisburg, Outcall Service, Poconos, Scranton, Williamsport)
💋Spice is everything nice outcall specials 150😻🙈🙉🙊Hawley,Honesdale, Milford etc - 26
(Hawley- out calls to u!🆗 no incall, Poconos, Scranton)
★♡❥♡★_Total Dreamgirl_•❥ *ØN€ Dا€ & YØU'ℓℓ B€ HØØK€D* ★♡_The Perfect Addition To your night!_ツ __◆♡ - 20
(Scranton, Scranton, Wilkes barre, surrounding area)
50Ss🚨🚨The Wait is OVER!! Super SeXy 💦Super Cute 😍Curvy Beauty Just for YOU!🍑... - 23
(Scranton, hazleton Incall Only!!!!)
Brand New to Area, Sexy Adult Playmate .Becca ! Outcall Only $200 Special - 29
(Scranton, yourplace)
❗️Up All Night‼️Delightful & Stunning✨Bangin' Body✨Don't Miss Out On A Memorable Treat🍭😻 - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre)
☆҉ TH€ R€AL D€AL💢🌟💢🌟 ▓►i´LL__B€__¥øUR__ FÂVoR¡T€ 💎 ßяÜNèTTè Aðð¡CT¡ØN {{💯% R€AL}}💋 RUSSIAN 💋 - 24
(Scranton, WILKES-BARRE 💋💋)
Young Hot And Ready For You , Pleasure Is All Mine Relax And Enjoy Some Time With Fun-Sized Me💋💘💎 - 21
(Hazleton,Bloomsburg,Berwick,Danville,Nes, Scranton)
🌞Lets warm Up🌡Your Wknd⛅ Hott👅Sexy💥Young 😚Perfect Curved 😈 Brunette ⛅C l e a r R o a d s🌞 - 26
(Scranton, Scranton/Moosic/Oldforge)
Wed 08 Jan
░▓░ ❤*iRRESiSTABLE*❤ ░▓░ ❤.•*BLUE EYED*•.❤ ░▓░ ❤ BRUNETTE ❤░▓░ ❤*SiCiLiaN*❤ ░▓░❤.•*SWEETHeART*•.❤░▓░ - 20
(Scranton, ♡♥♡ WILKES BARRE ♡♥♡ 247)