Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Classy;Clean ;n always Discrete 32experinced no games! - 32
(Scranton, Scranton; wilkesbarre;&poconos;)
Fri 10 Jan
Classy Clean & Always Discreet!! Scranton -Wilkesbarre -Poconos & more !!!!! - 28
Thu 09 Jan
°BEAUTIFUL 100% ITALIANA. $$60$$ short stay specials -incall - 24
(Scranton, Pittston, Scranton, WilkesBarre, Poconos)
Classy Clean & Always Discreet!! Scranton -Wilkesbarre -Poconos & more !!!!! - 28
°BEAUTIFUL 100% ITALIANA. Sunday specials all day - 24
(Scranton, Pittston, Scranton, WilkesBarre, Poconos)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
°BEAUTIFUL 100% ITALIANA. $$60$$ short stay specials -incall - 24
(Scranton, Pittston, Scranton, WilkesBarre, Poconos)
Classy;Clean ;n always Discrete 32experinced no games! - 32
(Scranton, Scranton; wilkesbarre;&poconos;)
Mon 06 Jan
hey fellas lets have sum fun!! Up all night wilkesbarre in call only - 26
(Scranton, Wilkesbarre in call only)
Sun 05 Jan
⚠⚠STOP!! 💋🌹🌸🍒 CoMe SpeNd a NiGhT iN HEAVEN 🍭💕💚👑🎉🍦🍒 - 24
(Scranton, Pittston, Scranton, WilkesBarre, Poconos)
⚠⚠STOP!! 💋🌹🌸🍒 CoMe SpeNd a NiGhT iN HEAVEN 🍭💕💚👑🎉🍦🍒 - 24
(Scranton, Pittston, Scranton, WilkesBarre, Poconos)
Classy Clean & Always Discreet!! Scranton -Wilkesbarre -Poconos & more !!!!! - 28
°BEAUTIFUL 100% ITALIANA. Sunday specials all day - 24
(Scranton, Pittston, Scranton, WilkesBarre, Poconos)
Sat 04 Jan
Must have a taste of this new candy 🍭🍬 SARAH 💦💞 732-889-6176💞 - 28
(Scranton, Scranton/wilkesbarre/poconos anywhere 💋)
⚠⚠STOP!! 💋🌹🌸🍒Who needs a night out when u can spend a night in HEAVEN🍭💕💚👑🎉🍦🍒 - 24
(Scranton, Pittston, Scranton, WilkesBarre, Poconos)
Classy Clean & Always Discreet!! Scranton -Wilkesbarre -Poconos & more !!!!! - 28
⚠⚠STOP!! 💋🌹🌸🍒Who needs a night out when u can spend a night in HEAVEN🍭💕💚👑🎉🍦🍒 - 24
(Scranton, Pittston, Scranton, WilkesBarre, Poconos)
Fri 03 Jan